
When to Hire a Foreign Law Firm

Law Blog

A foreign law firm or one that specialises in law in a foreign country can be the right choice for businesses for many reason. While a domestic law firm or one without actual ties to another country may be able to help you with some foreign legal matters, there are times when it's better to rely on the specialty services of a foreign law firm. Note when that is and how they can protect and assist your business overall.

31 August 2016

Wills and Estates: How to Avoid Probate

Law Blog

Probate is the official term for the process of legally 'proving' a will. A probate court is responsible for the administration of a will. After you die, your deceased estate will go into probate if the court is needed to act as administrator of your will. It may also go into probate if you did not make a will, in which case the court will be called upon to administer your estate as they see fit.

29 August 2016

When Is It Time to Consider Personal Bankruptcy?

Law Blog

Declaring bankruptcy may be a difficult prospect to consider, as this is a legal process that affects your credit rating and personal finances for many years to come. However, it also means relief from debt and protection from your creditors. While only an attorney can advise you on your personal situation, note a few things to consider when deciding if it's time to declare personal bankruptcy. Are you planning any major financial obligations in the next few years?

29 August 2016

Understanding how the capacity to earn affects child support

Law Blog

One of the least understood, yet highly feared, aspects of the Australian child support system is the capacity to earn assessment. However this assessment doesn't need to be feared if you understand what it entails.  What is the capacity to earn assessment? The capacity to earn assessment looks at the ability of each person to earn an income in the workplace. The most common assessment of the capacity to earn is the salary that the person has earned most recently, but other factors that can be considered include training levels, ability to access jobs in the area and experience in the field.

26 August 2016

Five Things to Consider If Your Dog or Cat Has Been Stolen

Law Blog

If someone steals your dog, cat or other pet, you may feel devastated and frustrated. Luckily, from a legal standpoint, there are a few things you can do. Here are some ideas to consider and things you should know as you attempt to fight for justice: 1. State laws vary. Laws related to the theft of pets vary from state to state. In some cases, your rights may be protected under law, but in other cases, stealing a dog may be akin to stealing a garden rake from the garage.

22 August 2016

Dealing with the Consequences of a Car Accident: 3 Things You Need to Do After Receiving a Letter of Demand

Law Blog

After getting into a car accident, you should expect to receive a letter of demand from the other parties involved. The letter of demand is basically a legal document from anyone else involved or their car insurance company requesting payment from you for your part in the accident. While a letter of demand is generally quite straightforward, here are 3 things you need to know about it. You Need to Reply

16 August 2016

Effective Tips For Dealing With Debt Collectors

Law Blog

If you have some old debts that have gone unpaid, you probably know what it is like dealing with debt collectors. However, what you may not know is that some collectors are going against what the law allows them to do. Harassment is not something that is within their rights, so it is important to know how to deal with them properly and how to know when they should be reported.

12 August 2016

The 4 Stages of a Negligence Claim

Law Blog

If you or someone you know was injured due to an act of negligence, you might be able to file a claim against them to get benefits owed to you. These types of claims are often medical negligence claims, where a doctor or surgeon made a mistake and caused pain and suffering, more severe medical situation, or mental anguish. Here are some of the different stages involved in going through a negligence claim.

11 August 2016

How can I plead guilty and not have convictions recorded on my police record?

Law Blog

Some defendants face a situation where they know that they need to plead guilty to a crime, but that pleading guilty to a crime could seriously harm their ability to earn money and participate in activities such as attending their child's school. Here are some ways that you can get crimes not recorded on your police record, or removed from your record afterwards.  Minor offences If you have committed a minor offence then the defence lawyer can request that you get a spent conviction (no conviction recorded) at the time of sentencing.

4 August 2016

When you should hire a workers' compensation lawyer

Law Blog

Most companies are required to hold a workers' compensation policy to protect their employees in the event of an injury or illness. While this should mean you have no problems with filling a claim and getting benefits for your work-related injury, it doesn't always work out that way. Here are some different situations that call for you to have a lawyer help you with your workers' compensation case. Your First Claim Was Denied

3 August 2016