How Can You Avoid Making Some Big Mistakes When Facing a Separation?

Law Blog

A separation can be a very traumatic experience, and many people find it really hard to deal with it from an emotional and psychological point of view. It can be difficult to know where to turn, especially when you realise the full ramifications and understand that it's going to take some effort to unwind your relationship from a legal point of view. So if you find yourself in this situation, what are some of the points to bear in mind as you move forward that could help you avoid making some big mistakes?

Maintain Your Composure

While it may be difficult to do so, try to maintain a "cool head." Don't be tempted to lash out at your former partner and especially not on social media. This can be easier said than done, as most people have easy access to these publishing platforms. Yet this could almost certainly stymie the chance of an amicable settlement, and your "ex" may simply serve you papers instead.

Call in a Valuation Expert

You need to understand what you are dealing with before you can reach any kind of property settlement. This means that you may need to get a formal valuation for your home or any business involved. Don't attempt to guess these values instead.

Get the Details Right

Before a court can consider the size of your joint property pool, they will need to look at some specific documents. Both parties will be responsible for providing these docs, but you should do enough due diligence to ensure correct information. Again, it's best not to make any assumptions, as mistakes could be costly.

Look after the Children First

If you have children, you must make them your priority here. The court will certainly do so, and you need to agree with your partner about their well-being and future care. It is simply not an option to ignore this, as a court will not go forward with any divorce proceedings until they are satisfied that you have agreed.

Get a Family Lawyer

If relations with your former partner are strained, you may not be able to reach an amicable agreement without some legal intervention. If you suspect this may be the case, you should get help from a family lawyer as soon as possible. Remember, they will have experience in this area, and their advice could end up saving you a lot of money. They will review the specific facts and figures surrounding your case and give you the best advice.

For more information, contact a family lawyer near you.


5 January 2023

Unknown laws you might not know

I love all of those quirky laws that are still on the law book. It's a little hobby of mine to track down some of those laws and try and work out if there was a story behind how they got on the books. I've been doing it for 14 years and have accumulated a lot of material that I have researched. I thought it would be fun to start a blog with some of these stories to share with other people who like to know a little more about law and about history. I hope you enjoy my site.